Skills Recognition is the general term given for the assessment of an applicant’s previous learning or skills development for the purpose of gaining credits or exemptions for a partial or full qualification.
The three categories of Skills recognition are as follows:
This is a process through which people can gain credit in recognised courses based on learning gained from experience in the workplace, in voluntary work, in social or domestic activities or through informal training.
This is a process through which people who have previously successfully completed a unit of competency or module can be reassessed to determine whether the currency of the unit of competence or module has been maintained.
This is a process where people who have previously successfully completed the same or equivalent unit of competency or module at another Educational Institution, can apply for a credit transfer towards the Melbourne Polytechnic course for which they about to enrol in or are currently enrolled in.
RPL is specifically designed for people who have previous experience that is related to the qualification they are wishing to gain. The service enables these people to minimise the amount of formal training required to gain a qualification by applying for RPL for the purpose of gaining exemptions for units of competency or modules within a qualification or for a full qualification.
Undertaking an RPL involves the following:
The RCC service is particularly designed for people who have in the past, undertaken formal training for a partial or full qualification and are wishing to have this assessed for currency against current qualification requirements.
Undertaking RCC involves the following:
Applying for a Credit Transfer involves the following:
Initial meeting with Skills Recognition Assessor* to apply for Credit Transfer, based evidence, including “statement of attainment’ from previous course/qualification
Skills Recognition Assessor* determines suitability of evidence for Credit Transfer and completes Skills Recognition Application.
Units of competency/modules approved for Credit Transfer are entered on to Melbourne Polytechnic students record system and applicant is informed in writing of the outcome.
Skills Recognition - Fees and Charges
Skills Recognition Fees are as set out in the Student Enrolment, Fees and Charges Guidelines (See Part D Skills Recognition).
*Skills Recognition Assessor is a relevant Melbourne Polytechnic trainer, academic or where appropriate, an industry expert.
Further Information
Phone: 1300 635 276